Sunshine Classics Digital

Learning to read with the books you love!

  • 310 e-books (Levels 1-30)
  • 1000 interactive activities focussing on Alphabet and Words, Comprehension, Fluency and Writing.
  • Administration and student tracking optional
  • Read and record function
  • iPad, Computers, Interactive Whiteboards, Apple TVs
  • FREE iPad app available from the app store


Sunshine Classics Digital offers e-book versions of our popular reading series. Many of the fiction titles have been written by world-renowned authors such as Joy Cowley and Margaret Mahy. The non-fiction texts include an interesting selection of topics with many drawn from the highly successful Sunshine Science series.


Each of the Sunshine Classics e-books is followed by three or four interactive activities that focus on the key areas of phonics, high-frequency words, comprehension, fluency and writing along with additional revision activities.


Sunshine Classics offers schools the option of a generic username and password for all students or a unique username and password for each student. Using unique passwords allows teachers to create and manage student files, allocate particular books and track student progress.


Guided Reading teaching notes are available for download from the Sunshine Classics website. There are also free Professional Development videos demonstrating different literacy teaching approaches.

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© Wendy Pye Publishing Limited 2019